All orders are shipped worldwide via USPS or UPS from Los Angeles, CA with the exception of certain XPNSVDSGNR items. You can select your desired shipping method at checkout. The shipping time for your item(s) may vary and therefore can be found under each individual item listing. (For orders of multiple items with different shipping times, the entire order will ship together once all items are complete.) For any questions, please email


Orders shipped outside of the United States are subject to the destination country's VAT and customs charges upon receipt. Please note that these additional fees are the responsibility of you, the recipient, and will vary depending on your country and the value of your order. You can check the estimated duty and taxes that will be due upon delivery before placing your order using this website:


In the case you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may exchange or return for store credit within 10 calendar days of receiving your item(s). Customer assumes all shipping charges to send back their item(s) in unworn condition with all original packaging and tags still attached. To proceed with your exchange or return for store credit, please email with your order number and a brief description of your issue and we will be in touch to assist you shortly.

Bespoke and swimwear are final sale.